
Our classes cater for all abilities & include all the required equipment

Basic Soap Making

A beginner’s soap making workshop. We will look at soaping safely, ingredients, equipment needed and the basic rules of soap making. Make your own 2lb loaf of soap using our workshop recipe.

This basic course will detail all you need to start making your own soap at home. We will start the day at 10.30 with a cup of tea or coffee and have a chat about everything soap answering as many of your questions as we can. After a short demonstration and a tea break you will making your own batch of natural soap. We will provide all equipment including safety goggles, aprons, masks and while we keep some spare gloves we ask that you bring your own rubber gloves.

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Further Soap Making

This workshop will employ techniques to add additional colours and textures. Using a variety of moulds and imbeds discover how exciting and creative the world of soapmaking can be.

This workshop will take soapmaking to a more intricate stage. We will begin at 10.30 with a cup of tea or coffee. Using colours, textures, and imbeds, you will learn how to be more creative with your soapmaking knowledge. Using different moulds and techniques make a 2lb loaf of soap to impress your friends.

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Fun Pamper Product Workshop

On this relaxing afternoon workshop discover how, using basic ingredients at lot of which are in your own kitchen larder, you can make your own natural and beautiful pamper products. Body scrubs, bath bombs and more.

Starting at 12.00 with a cup of tea or coffee. Have some fun making natural pamper products with ingredients some of which you probably have already in your kitchen larder. Leave with your own pamper products ready to gift to a special person or keep your creations for yourself.

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Visit our online store

All our soap sold online is handmade by professionals in Northern Ireland. It is all natural, botanical, sustainability made soap. Each bar of soap is handmade using harvested rainwater from The Glens of Antrim to give a truly cleansing and natural product.

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